Po-po-po-tae-toe souppppppppppp

I normally use some of the required ingredient or take lots of pictures, but this time, I made it in a hurry.  I just got back from not one, not two, but THREE intense games of volleyball.  I went from hardly-being-able-to-hit-the-ball-and-losing to hardly-being-able-to-hit-the-ball-but-still-winning!  Looks like hard works pays off! 🙂  Or meeting friends who know how to play, hahaha.  But I digress…I had work the next day and I just wanted to get this out of the way for lunch at work tomorrow.

Bowl of Awesomeness

Bowl of Awesomeness


  • 3.5 cups of potatoes
  • 1/3 cup of diced onions
  • 3 delicious pieces of bacon
  • 1/2 cup of mushrooms
  • 2 tbsp of chicken bouillon
  • 5 tbsp of button (paula dean style)
  • 5 tbsp of all-purpose flour
  • 2 cups of milk
  • 3.25 cups of water
  • salt and pepper to taste

To start, I put the water and chicken bouillon on the stove and set to med temp for low boil.  I proceed to dice the potatoes and put them in the pot to let them soften up.

As I fried the bacon, I diced the onion and mushrooms. When the bacon is done, remove the bacon onto a sheet of paper towel and use the leftover grease to sauté the onion and mushroom.  You may want to add celery for some extra crunch (I wish I did!).  Cook until onions are clear and proceed to pour into pot, along with the ba-con.

Now you wanna create a roux (new word I learned from my roommate as I made it! hehehe).  To do so, melt your 5 tbsp of butter on your stovetop in a nonstick pan, (which by the way is a LOT of butter…).  After melting it, slowly add in the flour, stirring it till you get a nice…mash potato like substance.  Then proceed to add milk in slowly, yet again, creating a milky mash potato like substance.  I wish I took a picture because it looked pretty awesome.  Anywho, pour this into your pot and mix away!  You can add salt and pepper  to taste and just cook until you the potatoes are at the softness level you like!

Ta-da!  Potatoe Soup!  Nomnomnom.

Potato Soup❤ Chef “jKilla”


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