‘Cause I Watch Shark Week

Last summer my boyfriend and his friends attempted hiking/camping through the Appalachians for a week, and due to unforeseen circumstances (okay, really they probably could have planned for them) they were not able to complete the trek and ended up at my apartIMG_20140810_083653ment one night. Letting them stay the night (since there was a bet going on to see how many nights they would actually be gone), I let them freshen up with warm running water and good old electricity. And since I was pretty sure they were tired of eating energy bars or jerky or whatever dried non-perishable, high calorie/energy foods, I took them to a local taco joint. Even though it is no longer in town, I swear they had the largest portion of nachos for about five bucks (USD). Regardless everyone was happy, and I figured they were ready to wind down from the days hiking plus the drive time from the Appalachians to Gainesville. While pumping gas, lo and behold – a redbox – and that’s how we ended up with Springbreakers; the movie starring James Franco, Selena Gomez, Vanessa Anne Hudgens, and other people. I’m not going to talk too much about it, but before watching that movie…we found ourselves watching Sharknado first. SPOILER ALERT!!

For some strange reason, Sharknado has left a soft spot in all of our hearts. Whether it be Tara Reid, the concept of a “sharknado,” or the fact that in that world, chainsaws rule – my group of friends and I cannot seem to stop talking about it. It seems to me that all of my favorite parts of the movies involve a chainsaw and Fin pulling out a body/body part out of a live shark. I call dibs that the next movie takes place in a honeymoon venue – Hawaii or Florida anyone?? Anyway, thank you Syfy channel for creating this now trilogy because it brings all of us together at least once a year!! In honor of this great trilogy and the beginning of shark week I carved this watermelon for our party.

Watermelon Shark

1. Place watermelon on flat surface (set it on the side it naturally sits on during growth). I used two knives to create my shark – a paring knife and larger knife to make slices.


2. On the opposite end of the watermelon – the end where there is no vine stump, slice the melon at a 35-45 degree angle about an inch from the edge to create the bottom of the shark. This should expose the red flesh of the melon.


3. Setting the melon on the newly exposed side, on the opposite end of the melon cut a “pie slice” shape creating a gaping mouth. Depending on the size of the melon you want to cut it a little smaller than you want it because you will later add teeth. I did mine about two inches at the apex.


4. Remove the piece you sliced and from the edges of the mouth, use the paring knife to create an outer lip about 1 – 1.5 inches. Make sure not to cut all the way through. Use the paring knife to expose the white flesh only.


5. Remove the rest of the red flesh of the watermelon from the inside. Note: you will be putting it back into the shark afterwards. I used a melon baller.

6.Now that the you have an empty watermelon rind, you can cut little triangles into the white exposed flesh (near the mouth) to create teeth. You want to give the teeth varying sizes from the back to the front of the mouth.

7. The shark is essentially complete at this point, but some people like to add a dorsal fin. Using the pie slice from earlier, cut it in half with a curved edge to fit the shape of the watermelon, and use toothpicks to attach it to the back of the shark.

8. I also added eyes using a paring knife to mark spots for grapes/blueberries as eyes (attached with half toothpicks). Lastly since I had grapes still – my mom thought of the idea of using the grapes as decorative kelp or coral that surrounds the sharks body on the tray. Don’t forget to fill him back up with the watermelon pieces and other fruit!

Tip! You should refrigerate the watermelon pieces separately from the rind for ease of travel and storage. Watermelon tastes sweeter to me when cold 🙂


And since man cannot live on watermelon alone, I also made a variation of Paula Deen’s creamy crock pot macaroni and cheese that does not use a crock pot. This truly is super creamy, cheesy, and my lactose intolerant friend ate it anyway and lived.


Macaroni and Cheese

  • 1 box of rotini (pasta)
  • Water for cooking pasta
  • 4 tbsp butter
  • 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1/3 cup sour cream
  • 1 can condensed cheese soup
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp white pepper
  • 1/2 tsp mustard powder

1. Cook pasta in boiling water or according to box directions until al dente. I cooked mine for about 7 minutes.

2. Remove pasta to a colander and return empty pot to stove on medium heat. Melt the butter and cheese in the pot and then add the rest of the ingredients (except the pasta) and stir well.

3. Add pasta into the pot and toss well. Cover with lid and keep on lowest setting for one and half to two hours stirring occasionally.

It’s best served when hot!!


See you all in 2015 for the next addition to the trilogy/ten year reunion of us meeting for the first time!!

❤ The Food Scientist

Chop, chop!

A while ago, I saw a commercial for chicken parmesan meatballs and ever since, I’ve been yearning to try them! Plus, I started a garden (with basil, green onions, and bell peppers hopefully) in my backyard and have been wanting to use it ever since! 😀 One of my favorite dishes is chicken parmesan, so I adapted my normal recipe to a meatball form of the dish!

Backyard garden!

Backyard garden!

To start off, prepare some ground chicken. You can buy it but it’s hard to find here or it’s really expensive, so take out some frozen chicken breast and your handy dandy cleaver. Chop vigorously and voila!


Frozen chicken breastGround chicken

For the meatballs
1 lb ground chicken
1 clove of garlic (diced)
1 egg
Salt & pepper
Parmesan cheese

For the filling
Mozzarella cheese (cubed)
1 onion (diced)
Cherry tomatoes
Fresh basil leaves

For the pasta
Extra virgin olive oil
Tomatoes (chopped)
Onions (diced)

First, pre-heat the oven to 400°F. While waiting, prepare the filling by cooking the onions for a few minutes until they are softened. Quarter the cherry tomatoes, throw in with the onions, and then add strips of the basil. Season with salt and pepper, and then put aside. mMMmMMm, savor the fragrance!

To prepare the meatballs, add some diced garlic, salt, and pepper to the ground chicken. Form the chicken mixture into balls. Once you have the meatball, push a Mozzarella cheese cube into the middle. Add the onion/tomato/basil into the meatball, and reform into a ball shape. Coat with flour, put the meatballs through an eggwash, and coat with breadcrumbs. Heat a pan on medium high, and brown the meatballs on all sides (this step should only take a few minutes). Transfer the meatballs onto a baking pan, and bake for roughly 10-15 minutes. Be careful not to overcook!

While waiting for the meatballs, prepare the pasta and sauce. Cook some spaghetti until al dente. For the tomato sauce, cook the onions in a pot. Once softened, add chopped tomatoes and season. Assemble the plate and shave some parmesan cheese as a last step!

