Mango Madness – Part 1

This week is summer break, and I came home to discover that our mango tree was in full bloom! We actually have 3 trees, but one of them is just bearing fruit like crazy. My mom goes out every couple of days to check on the trees and ends up bringing in at least 10 more mangoes each time.


The picture above shows only about 1/5 of the amount of mangoes we have collected over the past few days. Considering the insane number of mangoes we now have sitting in our kitchen, I have decided to take on the task of researching numerous mango recipes. I eventually settled on a simple one – sweet sticky rice with mango.

Ingredients (adapted from Edible Kitchen):

  • 1/2 cup of sticky rice
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1/4 cup + 1/2 cup of thick coconut milk
  • 1 1/2 tbsp of sugar (adjust to taste)
  • 1 sweet, ripe mango 
  • sesame seeds (optional)

As with any sticky rice recipe, you must begin by washing and soaking the rice. I put 1/2 cup of rice in a small pot and rinsed it with water twice before draining it. Then, I added 1/2 cup of water + 1/4 cup of coconut milk and let it soak for two hours. Once it’s ready to use, simmer it over a low flame until the rice is cooked and soft.

In a medium saucepan, heat the 1/2 cup of coconut milk and 1 1/2 tbsp of sugar until it comes to a boil. Add this to the cook riced and mix well. Cover the pot for about 30 minutes until the rice has absorbed the coconut milk mixture. It should have a thick, pudding-like texture when it’s done.

Consistent with all my other posts, I decided to play around with the plating of this dessert. I used a flower-shaped cookie cutter to mold the sticky rice and topped it with sliced up pieces of mango. Finally, I sprinkled some sesame seeds on top to finish it all off!

If you’d like a sweeter dessert, feel free to either add some sweetened coconut cream on top or mix in some more sugar to the sticky rice. I personally like to balance out flavors and since my mangoes were pretty ripe, I chose to make the rice portion less sweet. Anyway, stay tuned for what’ll likely be a series of mango-inspired treats from me… at least until my current supply runs out. 😛

– Chef μChip


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